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Summary of November 2021

Today is December 8th, I almost forgot about the traditional monthly ritual (writing summaries), luckily I remembered, it seems like I need to set a monthly alarm.

Wuhan in November gradually started to feel cooler, although occasionally there were sunny days with temperatures rising, overall the temperature is steadily decreasing (hopefully not my grades), as for the major events in November, they have been explained in the previous issue. This month is mainly about preparing for various final exams, which will continue into early next month, and then the winter vacation will begin, so there should be many things happening.

So far, the courses on Mechanical Principles and Complex Functions have ended, the grades for Complex Functions are known, not bad, not great, just right 😏. There are still two elective courses that have ended, Introduction to Astronomy and Embedded Development Practice, both without final exams or written assessments, quite relaxed; I have learned more or less something, which is pretty good.

November felt faster than other months... it ended without doing much, December has the English CET-6 exam, the preparation is not very sufficient, passing should not be a problem, but the score may not be very high. Suddenly remembered the failed Computer Level 2 exam, not sure when to retake it or just forget about it... let's leave this question for later. The expectations from last month were met quite well.

As for December, it's the end-of-term month, the old tradition, hoping not to fail any courses, trying to make the grades look better, have a happy Christmas, and enjoy the time at home afterwards. - Although this is after January, it probably won't be a happy time, the atmosphere of the Chinese New Year is becoming harder to feel, maybe it was never felt before, for the New Year, let's wish ourselves an early blessing, wish ourselves happiness, and keep looking forward. ᓚᘏᗢ

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