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Summary of June 2022

Today is July 8th, former Japanese Prime Minister Abe was assassinated; yesterday was the 85th anniversary of the Marco Polo Bridge Incident.

The Marco Polo Bridge Incident, also known as the Lugouqiao Incident, occurred on July 7, 1937. On that day and night, the Japanese troops stationed at the Marco Polo Bridge unilaterally conducted a so-called military exercise near the Chinese army's position without informing the local Chinese authorities. They falsely claimed that a Japanese soldier was missing and demanded to search the town of Wanping southwest of Beiping (now Lugouqiao Town). The Chinese troops firmly refused, and the Japanese army then launched attacks on Wanping and the Marco Polo Bridge. The Chinese 29th Army, 37th Division, 219th Regiment rose up to fight back and put up a strong resistance. The "Marco Polo Bridge Incident" marked the beginning of the nationwide War of Resistance against Japan.

I arrived in Luzhou yesterday and only then remembered that I hadn't written the June summary yet. Fortunately, it was only delayed by a week. My impression of June is still quite deep. Compared to last June, my studies have improved a bit, at least I didn't fail any courses (yes, not even Engineering Drawing 😏). I scored 98 points in Quantum Mechanics, maybe because the questions were relatively simple. I brought back "Snow Country" again, hoping to finish reading it this time. The weather is still as hot as ever, even hotter than before. It's really unbearable without air conditioning ♨️.

Regarding the CuBiC project, I thought it would end in June, but unexpectedly it has been delayed until July 10th. The machine still cannot complete a full Rubik's Cube solve, so I naturally don't have high hopes for the competition results.

Overall, June was indeed busy this year, preparing for final exams, working on the robotics project, moving dorms... I expect July to be busy as well, with organizational activities, cognitive internships, but it should be better than last year's social practice. The final results of the CuBiC project will be announced in the next issue, that's all for this issue, goodbye👋.

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