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Summary of July 2022

Today is August 18th, and the July summary is more than half a month late.

Continuing from the previous text, it's actually been over a day, and now it's the evening of August 19th. There doesn't seem to be any particularly famous festival today, but there is a festival called Chinese Doctors' Day, so let me briefly introduce it. On August 19, 2016, the National Health and Health Conference clarified the important position of health work in the overall situation of the party and the country and the guidelines for health work in the new era. The conference proposed to prioritize the development of people's health and strive to comprehensively ensure people's health throughout all stages. In November 2017, August 19th was officially designated as "Chinese Doctors' Day" every year.

Why did it take so long to write this month? Mainly due to the laziness of the holiday and my forgetfulness. July always relaxes people but also makes them "angry". Relaxing with high school classmates to eat hot pot a few times, sing K a few times, and evening walks with PPT and QY; what makes people "angry" is the weather, can only say that it is indeed hot in Rio de Janeiro, so hot that it's indescribable, speechless, and helpless. I'll come back in the August summary to detail how absurd this weather is.

The Rubik's Cube robot competition has ended, and we never successfully solved the Rubik's Cube from start to finish, so the third prize was expected. It can't be said that our team didn't work hard, but various factors (mainly the laziness of team members in the early stages and the sixth member who stole the motor driver) left me with only this unfinished product for the team. But fortunately, I am someone who enjoys the process, so the result is not that important to me. I tried my best and have no regrets. The material research report task in the organization's bottleneck technology, which I was responsible for (layout and optimization), was also successfully completed, although the acceptance was not as good as expected... I don't know if there's a time bomb buried here. The cognitive internship report was only completed yesterday, and the incident of the room air conditioner being broken for several days until today was fixed, will be left to write about in the next issue.

That's all for July 2022. 🐤 (Little Heizi shows chicken feet...

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