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Summary of September 2022

It's actually mid-December now, after procrastinating for 3 months, I finally have time to write the monthly summary. The main reason is that I forgot, and the second reason is being too busy to write. But as the saying goes, it's better late than never, writing now is better than not writing at all. Looking back at September last year (2021), I was still immersed in the frustration of failing exams and team matters. Looking back from then until now, I haven't failed any exams since then, successfully retired from the team, and entered the lazy study life of the third year.

As usual, let me briefly introduce the recent holidays (referring to the date when this article should have been written). The most important holiday in October is National Day. On December 2, 1949, the Fourth Plenary Session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference accepted the proposal and passed the resolution on the National Day of the People's Republic of China, deciding that October 1st would be the great day when the People's Republic of China was founded, and the National Day of the People's Republic of China. As usual, it's a day off, with less school holidays, supposedly made up during the winter vacation (PS from 2022/12/11: indeed made up during the winter vacation, but also a bit of a loss). Anyway, this year's National Day holiday ended without much relaxation and holiday vibes. I remember going out with friends last year, when the epidemic wasn't very serious (right?), the situation now is hard to say, it seems to be trending towards becoming more serious.

September, how should I put it, is the first month of school, the course schedule is still quite full, and I joined Professor S's Seminar, so it's quite fulfilling. Weekends rarely have leisure time, and for various reasons, I didn't get to go out and play properly, just stayed in the dorm.

Umm, I won't write about expectations for next month, because this summary of the past three months was written later, writing expectations wouldn't be genuine. Looking back at September from December, time flies, but the me in September obviously didn't realize this. Let's end with a quote from Lin Huiyin's "August Melancholy": Summer has passed, but it's not yet autumn. Yet I look at the fields, the melons on the mud walls, and still don't understand how life and dreams are so closely intertwined.

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