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March 2023 Summary

It is now noon on April 9th. As mentioned in the last issue, this issue will indeed be more casual, as the holiday introduction section has concluded, making it difficult to fill the word count; additionally, half of the events from March have already been summarized in the last issue, and since April is not yet halfway through, the content of this issue will be a mix of March and April.

First, let's talk about studies. Firstly, the work as a teaching assistant for quantum mechanics doesn't pay much, but it's better than nothing. So far, I've graded assignments four or five times and answered a question once; the workload isn't too heavy. I've chosen all the elective courses, so the schedule is a bit crowded, but fortunately, I've completed nearly half of them, and it won't be too busy moving forward, except for matters related to graduate school entrance exams or recommendations. Then there's daily life; I feel that my relationship with Bao has become closer. This year, we've had almost continuous high-intensity deep conversations (only two days without chatting). The chat records have also served as a good reference for me when writing my monthly summaries. There's one thing I must write down: I lost the scarf that Bao gave me qwq, and I feel very sorry for her. No matter what, when she sees this text, I will be able to recall this incident again, making it less likely to be forgotten in the future; I must cherish it well.

In the tech circle, GPT is still developing vigorously, and Meta's segment-everything has emerged, making 2023 possibly the year of AI explosion and development. However, being in the midst of it, it's hard to make more judgments; the right and wrong, the merits and demerits, can only be left for future generations to comment on.

Flowers may bloom again, but youth does not return. Day after day, year after year, just like chatting with Bao, we have unknowingly traveled such a long path. Focus on the matters at hand; what comes next will be accomplished if acted upon, and the road ahead will be reached if traveled.

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